Registration Form

Registration Form.

To enroll in a module, fill in the fields below
and click the "Register" button at the bottom of this page.

Key Element guide


If your organization is not in the list please select "New Company" and we will contact you at the phone number you provide.

Firefox users: Type the first letter of your company name, use the keyboard arrow keys to move through the list, and select with the Enter key.
All Oklahoma Department of Transportation divisions, branches, and residencies begin with ODOT.

Phone Number


(Unique for each enrollee, please.)
Lodging with State Rates
and direct bill.
Click logo for web site.

Select one or more modules and preferred dates.

Training Modules

Certification Modules
Aggregates Training

Asphalt Materials

Concrete Materials


Materials Sampler Training

Materials Sampler
Profilograph Training

Profilograph Operator
Soil Mechanics


Construction Inspector Training Modules
  Asphalt Mix Design classes are scheduled. Call 405-744-2693 to enroll.  
Earthwork Construction Inspection    
PCCP Construction Inspection  
Asph Pavement Construction Inspection  
Bridge Construction Inspection  

If this is your first enrollment and you have any previous experience, please print out the Qualifying Experience form,
fill it out and send a scanned copy to
(Not necessary if you have no experience.)

Payment must be received no later than 10 days before the first day of the module.
State law requires that payment must be received before the module begins.
ODOT personnel are always covered with proper authorization to attend.
Others, please do not send a technician to attend a module if payment has not been received.
We cannot allow attendance in a module without prepayment.

VALIDATION CHECK: (Just filtering out formbots.) Please answer the following question by entering a two digit number in the box below.
How many hours in a full day?



Anti Spam

Copyright © 2002 OHCMTCB All rights reserved. Last Revised:06/07/2016